Will the Oldest Corn Club in the Country Please Stand Up?
Posted: September 13, 2011
Now approaching its 60th anniversary, the Talbot County Maryland Corn Club came to Corn Commentary with a question: “Are we the oldest corn club in the country?”
Founded in 1951, the club was founded to facilitate a county-wide yield contest and host an awards banquet for the winners. At one point, the club even served as a model for fine similar programs in Maryland alone, but the majority of these organizations have disappeared with state and national organizations hosting most yield contests. The members of the Talbot County Corn Club continue their proud tradition citing the knowledge and ideas shared as reason enough to make the effort.
To help them celebrate, let’s find an answer to their question. If you have knowledge of any corn club that has run continuously since 1955 or before, please submit the name of the club and a contact by October 30, 2011 to Corn Commentary via email, by clicking here. While the Talbot Corn Club certainly has something to celebrate already, finding the oldest corn club in the country helps us all to recognize the proud agricultural traditions that are an important part of our industry’s heritage.