CornBoard Sets Speed Record

In New Products, New Uses by Cindy

Skaters are stoked about totally sick boards made from corn stover that are lighter and faster. Sick is a good thing in skater lingo, by the way. Last fall, Corn Board Manufacturing Inc. (CBMI) signed an agreement with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to develop and market CornBoard™ from a corn-based structural composite technology invented by the university’s Dr. …

Corn Bags Clean Up the Clean Up

In Conservation, Corny News, General, New Products, New Uses by Cathryn

For years, environmental activists have reinforced the negative impact that plastic bags, similar to those used in grocery stores, have upon the planet.  These ubiquitous bags can sit in landfills for over 1,000 years.  Now, people who love the planet and their dogs are championing a better option- corn-based biodegradable dog waste bags. Here, ingenuity and U.S. farming collide to …

Corn is More than Food

In New Uses by Cindy

Something gets lost in the “food versus fuel” fight, and that is that corn is an amazingly versatile crop with endless possibilities for bio-friendly products. Using it for food or feed alone is just limiting its enormous potential. Teams of Purdue University students recently came up with a few more potential uses for corn. The winners of this year’s Corn …

Corn-Based Kitty Litter to Save the Planet?

In Blogroll, Corny News, Food vs Fuel, New Uses by Mark

 A new kitty litter made from corn may not save the planet but it does present an educational opportunity. Corn is a versatile product used in thousands of products every day and the list keeps growing. The evolution from livestock feed to human food, to a growing list of industrial uses (ala corn kitty litter) is a natural one based …

Using DDGs To Enhance Plastics

In Audio, CUTC, New Uses by Chuck

When it comes to creating new uses for corn, Chad Ulven, North Dakota State University, is one of the researchers leading the way. During the Corn Utilization and Technology Conference he did a presentation titled, “Development of DDGs as Reinforcement in Polymers.” So what does that mean? To find out I interviewed him. He’s looking at a variety of different …