NCGA Board Member Talks Global Farming

In Audio, Biotechnology, Events, Farming, International, Sustainability, Trade by Chuck

NCGA board member, Pam Johnson, is a northern Iowa corn and soybean grower. She farms with her husband and sons and is one of the participants in the Truth About Trade & Technology, Global Farmer to Farmer Roundtable. She is not only participating in the roundtable discussions but was also on the panel of this morning’s Biodiversity World Tour town …

Putting Global Farmers Together

In Audio, International, Sustainability by Chuck

The participants in the Truth About Trade and Technology Global Farmer To Farmer Roundtable started their day at the Biodiversity World Tour town hall meeting with Sec. of Agriculture Vilsack. Before we departed for the meeting on the campus of Iowa State University I spoke with Chairman, Dean Kleckner. He says that there are 16 farmers here this year from …

Keeping Hypoxia Debate About the Facts

In Sustainability by Cathryn

Readers have asked for a response to the blog post by Tom Philpott at in which he takes me to task for some of my comments made earlier. In the first place, the farmers I know don’t consider themselves “manipulated by government policy and corporate interest.” They love what they do and they are proud of their work. Most …

Corn Farmers Coalition Showcases Facts About Family Farmers

In Activism, Current News, Education, Environmental, Farming, General, government, Media, Politics, Regulations, State Groups, Sustainability by Mark

If you haven’t already tuned into the new level of activism in agriculture, especially regarding misinformation on our largest industry, then you won’t find better evidence of this evolving cultural phenomenon than the Corn Farmers Coalition. Speaking to a couple of family farmers recently they expressed their frustration at the misinformation, innuendo and outright fabrications that are being used to …

Sustainable Food Myths

In Sustainability by Cindy

Grant Woods’ famous 1930 “American Gothic” painting is an icon of what some people believe sustainable agriculture should be. Ma and Pa Kettle on the little idyllic farmstead making a living on the soil with their bare hands. Notice how miserable they look. With all the talk these days about lifecycle analysis and carbon footprints, modern agriculture methods have increased …

Farmers Work Harder, Solve Problems, But Never Throw in the Towel

In Current News, Farming, General, Sustainability by Mark

While family farmers toil to bring in crops this fall an interesting thing is happening; folks in the organic and alternative Ag community have chosen to use the lousy harvest conditions as their latest reason to do away with our modern commodity-based food system. “To my eyes, the disaster unfolding in the Corn Belt is further evidence of a dangerous …